The Clubhouse Weekend Diaries 2

The Clubhouse Weekend Diaries 2

Things have just settled down after a particularly busy weekend here at The Clubhouse. 


We are open every Saturday but this one was a special one with Negative Development hosting a members meet up. A chance for our darkroom members to explore the space and see what we have to offer while meeting others in the film photography community.
Liam came to show off his big ol' Graflex and we all enjoyed having a nosey at that, while Nabil casually pulled a widelux panoramic camera out of his backpack that we oo'ed and ahh'ed over for a while. 
It was great to see so many of our regular members come down, and lovely to see you all meet each other too. It seems some collaborations between a few of you may be blossoming in the near future.

We ended the Saturday with a few drinks at Good Thing Coffee with our members. Our local cafe on Pollard Yard has quickly become our new hangout spot for The Clubhouse After hours and hopefully will be hosting more events with the Good Things guys soon.  

Big up to Al, Chris, Adam, Joe, Tom, Amy, Laura, Harry, Nabil, Lagoon, Josh, Annie, Liam and everyone else that swung by!

(This is where I'd add a beautiful film picture I took of our fab evening, but I haven't quite got round to developing that roll yet.)


No rest for the wicked and Sunday we were back at it in The Clubhouse with a printing workshop. There's been some absolutely fantastic colour prints coming out of our community darkroom recently and we're just chuffed to be involved in your artistic process. 

I also got a visit from a lovely regular customer of mine Laura, and we discussed some plans for a custom set of earrings for a special big day, I've always had a soft spot for wedding commissions. 

 And that's a wrap on another lovely weekend! See ya'll next time

Laurel xx


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